Digital Technologies’ role in enhancing agricultural productivity
Written by Mercy Kihugu
Innovations in the agricultural sector have helped to provide e-extension platforms for dairy farmers. Digital extension platforms provide market linkages and mobile-based mechanization apps that help tractor owners manage their machinery among others.
Digital Agriculture Technologies has a reach to over 20,533 farmers across the county and Governor Susan Kihika’s administration is committed to enhancing the sensitization of farmers on the significance of digitization of Agriculture to improve productivity, food security, and income.
Agriculture CECM Hon. Leonard Bor has hosted Dr Parmesh Shah, Global Lead for Rural Livelihoods & Agricultural Jobs, The World Bank Group to review the impact, challenges, and ways to upscale the use of Digital Agriculture Technologies (DAT) in the county.
The team visited the Elburgon Progressive Cooperative Society Dairy plant in Elburgon ward a beneficiary of DAT under the National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth Project (NARIGP).
Among the technologies used by farmers include AMTech, Hello Tractor, Kuza Biashara, DIGICOW, and Ujuzi Kilimo which serve as interventions to address the challenges that inhibit the growth of the prioritized value chains by the project.
The team appreciated the impact the technologies have had on the smallholder farmers in the county, especially in behaviour change and improving livelihoods.
NARIGP is a National and County Government initiative funded by World Bank across 21 counties including Nakuru. The project areas within the county include Molo, Njoro, Bahati, Naivasha, and Kuresoi North Sub Counties.
The project focuses on four value chains: Dairy, Apiculture, Irish Potatoes, and local chicken.