Affordable Housing programme Delivery Unit concludes fact-finding mission in Nakuru
Written by Nancy Naholi
A team from the National Government State Department of Housing and Urban Development Affordable Housing Programme Delivery Unit has recently concluded its two-day fact-finding mission in Nakuru County.
The aim of the visit was to establish the viability of the Affordable Housing Programme in the county and record the priorities of the County Government in delivering this initiative.
The team visited county housing estates in Molo Ward in Molo Sub-county, Kivumbini Ward, Flamingo Ward and Biashara Ward in Nakuru East Sub-county and later Viwandani Ward in Naivasha Sub-county.
During the visits, the team was accompanied by respective Members of the County Assembly where the potential sites are located.
Chief Officer for Housing and Urban Development Kamau Kuria who led the Department’s technical staff members also took part in the exercise.
At the end of the two-day engagements, the team was confident that Nakuru had presented a good case for inclusion in the Affordable Housing Programme.
“We are grateful to the National Government for including Nakuru County in the project pipeline and the visit by the Delivery Unit is a positive indicator that Nakuru stands to deliver on this programme which is important in H.E. Governor Susan Kihika’s Manifesto and delivery strategy,” remarked the Chief Officer.
“Having sampled the possible sites we are happy to see Nakuru has the potential to deliver on the Affordable Housing programme,” noted Mr Chege as he led the Affordable Housing Program Delivery Unit team.
The final report of the Delivery Unit will be made public in the near future once the team has concluded the visits to all 47 counties.