County launches schools COVID-19 mitigation training program
The County Government of Nakuru has launched COVID-19 prevention and management training program for learning institutions.
The tailor-made program targets teachers, non-teaching staff and learners in all Nakuru County schools -primary, secondary and universities.
County Minister for Health Dr Gichuki Kariuki, Public Health Chief Officer Mr Samuel King’ori graced the launch events at Lanet and Nakuru East Primary schools.
Dr Gichuki said the training will help the school community understand and follow the World Health Organisation COVID-19 prevention recommendations.
“The health promotion and disease prevention programs are essential with the partial reopening of schools in the wake of rising cases of COVID-19 infections,” he stated.
Mr King’ori said the teachers are change agents in the society and the pupils will also deliver the COVID-19 messages to their respective homes in addition to protecting themselves.
He added that the Department of Health Services has supplied schools with reporting tools that will help the County in its planning programs.
Sub-county health services heads will lias with schools in their localities to plan on training schedules so as not to disrupt normal school timetables.
Nakuru Town East Primary School Headteacher Mr Peter Munyao said all pupils in his school had reported and had set up all necessary measures as per Ministry of Health directives.