County Looking into capitalizing on alternative construction materials
Written by Elmad Ogara
The County Government of Nakuru is seeking to invest in alternative eco-friendly building and construction materials that utilise solid waste and turn it into valuable resources.
Plastic waste for instance has been a menace since time immemorial and yet it is a vital resource with the capacity to be recycled into very many forms including alternative construction materials.
Constructive Plastics Limited is seeking to partner with the county government in a bid to establish industries that will manufacture materials such as cabro paving blocks, manhole covers, litter bins and interlocking blocks for construction.
In a presentation shared this afternoon with department heads from the directorates of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, the firm revealed how it incorporates plastic and glass waste with a little sand to come up with the construction material.
According to the Company founder Mr Joseph Muita, the goal of the project is to ensure that much of the plastic waste that pollutes rivers and other water bodies is taken away from the environment.
“Ours is to provide the technical knowledge and once the production plant is set up, the county government will become the full custodian of this income-generating project,” added Mr Muita.
Environment, Energy, Natural Resources and Climate Change CECM Dr Nelson Maara lauded the project noting that it is a key step towards achieving the circular economy agenda as it will not only cleanse the environment but also create multiple job opportunities.
The department heads present unanimously embraced the project with an assurance that once the company finalizes the quality assurance process then the county government will fully embrace the project.