DG Kones inspects road construction in Rongai sub-county
Written by Roy Lumbe
Nakuru County Deputy Governor David Kones today made a day-long inspection tour of roads under construction in Rongai sub-county.
Kones said the move was aimed at opening up the entire county through an improved road network to spur socio-economic development among the residents.
The DG said in line with Governor Susan Kihika’s manifesto, all county officeholders must be hands on deck to ensure residents benefit in terms of development throughout all wards.
“We were elected to serve the people and that is the main reason we are on the ground to see how things are going, the challenges, and how we are to address the same, roads are very essential in our county,” said Kones.
Some of the roads inspected today were Simba – Kareri – Nderi road, and Nganda – Kindele road in Rongai sub-county with Kones emphasizing the need to have a good network.
He added that the county had set aside funds for every department for implementation saying Governor Susan Kihika was working on some priorities depending on the needs of the area.
“Our governor has residents at heart and dedicates her time to work for her people, this is just one of many projects we have visited, and we will move across all 55 wards,” said Kones.
According to the DG, the governor was development oriented calling on local leaders to work with the current administration adding that they will make an effort of moving to the wards to check on the progress.
On his part, area MCA Isaac Rotok lauded Kihika’s administration saying they had done a huge deal in implementing the Imarisha Barabara program in the area.
He, however, urged for the drilling of more boreholes in the area to solve the current acute water shortage adding that the construction of ECDEs in the area would come in handy.
Residents, led by Kipkosei Lang’at and John Onyino lauded the opening of new roads and continuous construction of roads in the area saying they had suffered a big deal without road proper networks.
“We had trouble transporting the dead, we had no roads to open up our area. Now we need to have water, electricity, and laboratories for our dispensary,” said Onyino.
Kones later made an impromptu visit to the Ol-Rongai dispensary.