Environment CECM meets stakeholders in climate change mitigation
Written by Elmad Ogara
The County Government of Nakuru under the leadership of H.E. Governor Susan Kihika keeps setting the bar high as a model for other counties when it comes to climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Stakeholders in the climate change resilience program today acknowledged the formation of Ward Climate Change Planning Committees (WCCPCs) that are due for gazettement next week terming it as an organized and intensive public participation exercise.
“We will keep providing the enabling environment to our partners to ensure that the committees get proper capacity building once gazetted,” stated Water, Environment, Energy, Natural Resources and Climate Change CECM Dr Nelson Maara.
The directorate also pledged to work with leaders at the ward level to ensure full inclusivity without political bias so as to amplify the Voices for Climate Action.
Stakeholders present include the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Slum Dwellers International (SDI), the National Alliance of Community Forest Associations (NACoFA) and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.