Governor Kihika lays foundation stone for a Ksh 120 Million Outpatient Hospital in Subukia
Residents of Subukia in Nakuru County are set to benefit from a modernized hospital after HE Governor Susan Kihika today laid the stone for the construction of a new Outpatient unit at Subukia Level 4 Hospital.
Patients requiring minor surgeries, those with eye problems, and others facing dental challenges will no longer be forced to travel long distances to get treatment since the new facility will provide specialized services at the hospital.
The new Outpatient unit, which will cost a total of Kshs120 million after completion will add to the Governor’s commitment to modernize health services and take them closer to the people in their sub-counties and wards.
“This ceremony, which signals the beginning of the construction of a new expanded, modern, and fully equipped Outpatient wing of the hospital, is a testimony to the mission of my administration to provide affordable healthcare to the residents of Nakuru County. We want to provide easier access to health facilities without subjecting our people to walk or cover long distances to get treatment,” she said after breaking ground and laying the stone for the construction of the hospital’s block.
Accompanied by County Executive Committee Members (CECMs), Ms Jackie Osoro (Health) and Eng Michael Kamau (Roads and Public Works) said the new facility comes with house a pharmacy and pharmacy store, a laboratory, a blood store, a new ultrasound section, a new mini theatre and a new Accident and Emergency (A&E) section a.
“The Outpatient block will also house records and cash office, a triage, three consultation rooms, an observation room with eight beds, and an injection room while the first floor will have a new dental clinic, a maternity section for antenatal mothers and children below the age of five years, post-natal, family planning and nutrition rooms. The Central Service Core, in addition to duty stations for nurses and waiting for bays on both floors, will have a new eye clinic and two special clinics,” she said.
She explained: “Given facilities that will be housed in the proposed block, it is evident that technology, modern facilities, and healthcare cadres will be provided for here at Subukia Level 4 Hospitals. Indeed, we are alive to the fact that with changing environments and modes of healthcare delivery, we have to adapt to new technology and methods in medical care. It is the intention of my administration that will transform healthcare services in Nakuru County to meet the challenges of emerging diseases and treatment methods.”
Governor Kihika said that after the completion of the new block in March next year, her administration will allocate funds, with the support of development partners, to put up an external clients’ sanitary block, theaters, laundry rooms, a standby generator, water reservoirs, a perimeter fence, and morgue.
The Governor urged the contractor to complete the construction of the OTP block on time as she asked stated that locals in Subukia should be given first priority to work on the project. “Contractor, ensure that you’ve employed our youths from here to work on the project. They have to benefit from such projects through employment,” she said.
Subukia MCA, Ms Isabella Makori praised the Governor for the modernization of Subukia Level 4 Hospital, stating the residents of the area had waited for years for the upgrade of the facility. She said the Governor had allocated Kshs 1 million for lighting, Kshs3 million for water provision in the Munanda area and a further Sh2.5 million for water in Molo area in the Subukia Ward.
Earlier, Governor Kihika toured the Subukia Level 4 Hospital and mingled freely with patients who praised her for the consignment of medicines that had arrived at the hospitals. At the maternity ward, the Governor sorted out the bills for the mothers who had delivered.