Governor Kihika’s agenda for water provision takes shape
Written by Roy Lumbe
Governor Susan Kihika’s agenda for providing clean and accessible water to all Nakuru residents is taking shape in several parts of the county.
Today, the Chief Officer for Water and Sanitation, Margaret Kinyanjui toured Molo and Rongai Sub-counties to hand over different sites to contractors.
In Sachwangan area, Molo ward, the Chief Officer together with the area MCA Joseph Ngware handed over the site to the contractor for drilling of a borehole in Mukinyai.
The contractor said he would finish the work in less than a week. Solarization and piping network will start afterwards which will make sure the people of Mukinyai and Migaa enjoy the precious commodity.
The next stop was at Shalom “A” in Visoi ward, Rongai Sub-county. The water project that runs on solar energy will be installed with electricity to supplement the solar energy, especially at night. This will make sure that residents are provided with water throughout.
In Salgaa, Water Supply improvement in Umoja Sub-location a partnership between the County Government and World Vision Kenya is another area the County is giving special attention to.
The County has allocated 20 million for piping networks in a last-mile connectivity programme to cover five sub-locations of Boito, Umoja and Gicheha in Visoi ward and Chepsion and Mimwaita in Mosop ward, Rongai Sub-County.
Another project in Visoi ward is the polarization of a water project at Kampi ya Moto. This will make sure that the cost of running the project reduces. Consequently, reducing the cost of water to the resident from 4 shillings per Jerrican to 2 shillings per Jerrican.