Inspection of Road Projects in Kiptororo Ward, Kuresoi North Sub-County
By Nancy Kihara
In line with Governor Susan Kihika’s manifesto, the department of Roads & Transport, led by CECM Eng. Michael Kamau today inspected different ongoing projects in Kiptororo ward, Kuresoi North Sub-county.
The 9.3 million projects consist of seven (7) access roads namely Mutapa-Githima, Mwaragania-Weromere, Chorwa-Githima, Kongoi-Amani Centre, Muhirori – Sawmill, Rehoboth Church and Githima Kapmobii Kones, covers a total distance of 10 Kilometers.
The road projects were earmarked for grading, murramming, bush clearing and installation of culverts and will be very beneficial to the majority of tea and dairy farmers who reside within the area. The roads serve as major connectors between them and potential buyers of farm products like milk, and potatoes and will also enable them to transport their goods to the market and Tea buying Centers.
“I wish to appreciate the great cooperation that we have from our engineers and the contractors for the great work they’re doing..That’s the spirit we’d want to replicate throughout our entire County. Similar projects will be carried out in various Sub-counties, thus we pledge to facilitate our support so as to ensure the completion of such projects,” noted Eng. Michael.
He also noted that the department is keen on completing all projects that have been approved in every financial year so as to avoid rollover projects.
Present was the area MCA Alex Bor, Sub-county engineer, Evans Chelimo and the contractor.
The MCA applauded the governor for her promise to keep principle and promised to cooperate with her to deliver on their mandate.
Nakuru county departments have embarked on the actualisation of the development agenda and are working to beat the deadlines given by the electorates.