Joyce Ncece takes over as Chief Officer, Disaster Management
Written by Mwariri Hassan
Madam Joyce Ncece has officially taken over as the new Chief Officer for disaster management from her predecessor Madam Ann Njenga.
In her remarks, Ms Ncece thanked H. E. the Governor for believing in her leadership capability by nominating her in the said docket. She also congratulated the outgoing Chief Officer and promised to make the department shine by delivery on the mandate.
Ncece also emphasized teamwork within the department for seamless service delivery in line with Governor Susan Kihika’s agenda and transformative vision for the people of Nakuru.
Disaster management is a key component of the Nakuru County Government that serves citizens in times of need. The department is expected to respond to many emergency cases in the county and offer support in other capacities.
Also present during the exercise was the director for Disaster Management Mr Geoffrey Kioko and the administrator Mr John Macharia.