Mauke Cooperative Warehouse certified to operate Warehouse Receipt System (WRS).
Written by James Munyua
Mauke Cooperative Warehouse in Mauche ward, Njoro Sub-County has received certification to operate a Warehouse Receipt System (WRS), making it the first farmer-owned certified warehouse in Kenya.
The WRS will be operated by Hello Tractor, which will maintain the quality and quantity of stored commodities in accordance with the warehouse receipt system’s standards to ensure that all operations are compliant with industry requirements.
Speaking during the issuance of the certificate by the Warehouse Receipt System Council (WRSC), County Deputy Governor H.E David Kones urged farmers to take advantage of this new initiative to store their crops, including potatoes, maize, beans, and other staples.
Deputy Governor Kones further highlighted the WRS’s benefits in stabilizing market prices, providing access to credit, curbing post-harvest losses, and enabling farmers to sell their produce at optimal times.
“The justification for the warehouse operation lies in the need to provide farmers with access to secure storage, reduce post-harvest losses, and improve market access through warehouse receipts, which can be used as collateral for loans and other financial services,” the Deputy Governor noted.
“By integrating Mauka Warehouse into the Warehouse Receipt System (WRS), the collaboration between Nakuru County Government and Hello Tractor ensures compliance with government regulations, while facilitating better access to financial instruments for smallholder farmers and traders.”
On her part, Warehouse Receipt System Council Chairperson Felicity Nkirote said, Mauke Cooperative Warehouse is the first farmerled to receive certification for the Warehouse Receipt System, underscoring the county’s commitment to improving the livelihood of small-scale farmers.
“This is a dream come true, as we witness the progress that has been made since the cooperative request to be certified to operate the system. After our thorough inspection at the facility we were satisfied that it had all the requirements in place to operate the Warehouse Receipt System,” She said.
Chief Officer for Agriculture Newton Mwaura assured the farmers that the Nakuru County Government will continue to support the farmers and will identify an alternative space to store the national government-subsidized fertilizer so that it does not interfere with the warehouse operations.
“The County Government of Nakuru, under the leadership of Governor Susan Kihika, is committed to supporting the agricultural sector and strengthening the cooperative movement. By partnering with stakeholders like Hello Tractor, the county aims to maximize returns for farmers and improve their overall livelihoods.” Mwaura noted.
Present during the event were Chief Officers Newton Mwaura (Agriculture), Dr. Charles Koech (Public Service), Joseph Kibore (political office of the Governor) Hello Tractor Chief Operating Officer, Folu Okunade, Lucy Komen, CEO Warehouse Receipt System Council (WRSC) and Chairperson Felicity Nkirote among other stakeholders and farmers.