Nakuru City to hold Cultural Week in February
By Nancy Naholi
Nakuru City in collaboration with Egerton University is organizing a one-week cultural festival which will be held within the City.
The festival is in line with H.E Governor Kihika’s cultural agenda aimed at bringing together communities through facilitating and promoting inter-cultural experiences, and peaceful and harmonious co-existence among the City residents and its environs.
Today, the City Management hosted representatives from Egerton University for a follow-up meeting to discuss further preparations and logistics for the long-week event scheduled for between 20th and 25th February 2023 in Nakuru City.
The City Board in conjunction with the County Department of Culture has prioritized Culture Week as one of its major events this year.
The festival will involve a series of activities including music and art performances, cultural shows, fashion shows, business expos, talent shows, and exhibitions among others.
Management has equally engaged various stakeholders including UNESCO Creative Cities Network, Stanbic Bank, Coca Cola among others.
The event will bring together residents, organizations, individuals, and artists among others in a bid to share cultural and related talents while strengthening ties and multi-lateral relationships.
In a statement Mr Mucheru Chege, the Administrator, who was standing in for the City Manager noted that the festival will create a forum for people from diverse cultural backgrounds to meet and exchange their respective cultures using the tools of arts, music, foods, dressings and language.
“This will broaden views on cultural differences, promote mutual respect and inter-cultural learning through non-formal experiences while promoting cultural diversities among young persons through music and arts,” he remarked.
Nakuru City`s vision to be a model City that enhances the quality of life and fosters economic prosperity resonates well with the cultural festival. Amongst its four pillars is the socio-cultural component which anchors cultural festival
The meeting was also joined by officers from the Culture Department and Egerton University.