Nakuru County adopts digitization of Health Services
Written by Ruth Magak
The County’s Department of Health Services has conducted a review meeting to discuss the performance of Community Health Services-CHS over the last quarter.
The Department has scheduled quarterly performance review forums for different programs to help screen through performance indicators of various programs, identify gaps and develop interventions to improve health outcomes in the community.
H.E Governor Susan Kihika’s administration is committed to strengthening Community Health Strategy through Social Behavior Change Innovations and engagement of community health structures.
Some of the innovations deployed include enhanced early pregnancy detection, referrals for care, and provision of Family Planning services by Community Health Volunteers at Community and facility levels. The Strategies also engage community leaders like National Government Administrative Officers and religious leaders to help enhance access to quality, healthy life at the community level.
County Reproductive Health Co-ordinator, Ms, Clara Kerich commended the Community Health Strategy team for integrating several programs like Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission-PMTCT, Adolescent and Youth Sexual Reproductive Health-AYSRH, and Sexual Gender-Based Violence in the primary healthcare provision.
Through Advocacy and Accountability, the Department has developed the Nakuru County CHS Bill, and CHVs are now paid a monthly stipend to help sustain them as they volunteer to help enhance health service delivery at the community level.
The Department is supported by USAID Tujenge Jamii-UTJ, a development partner that seeks to strengthen health systems by training healthcare workers to improve the quality of healthcare at the primary level.