Nakuru County Department Heads Sign 2023/2024 Performance Contracts in Proactive Move
In a significant development for Nakuru County, Josephine Atieno Achieng, the County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Youth, Sports, Gender, Social Services, and Inclusivity, presided over the signing of performance contracts for department heads for the upcoming fiscal year 2023/2024.
This pivotal event follows the recent signing of a performance contract between CECM Josephine Atieno and H.E. Governor Susan Kihika just one week ago. Today’s ceremony symbolized the decentralization of this contract, moving it from the CECM to the Chief Officers (COs) and Directors within the respective departments.
CECM Josephine Atieno expressed her optimism regarding the department’s future performance, emphasizing the need to maintain the high standards and success that the department has consistently achieved.
The Chief Officers echoed the sentiments put forth by the CECM, emphasizing the values of hard work, discipline, teamwork, and commitment in their pursuit of delivering services to the community. These values align with the Governor’s manifestos and the county’s overarching goals.
The event witnessed the presence of Chief Officers, including Ms. Stellah Mwaura (Youth and Sports) and Gladys Kamuren (Gender, Social Services, and Inclusivity), along with various Directors and dedicated staff members from different directorates.
Furthermore, the gathering featured esteemed partners such as Victoria Kithongo (Ajiry), Elly Ruuri (DCA), George Muturi (MG IHUB), Bruce Kim (IYF), and cohorts from Textile Hub, Digital Hub, and Music Studio, all collaborating towards a brighter and more prosperous future for Nakuru County.
The Youth, Sports, Gender, Social Services, and Inclusivity department becomes the third department to have its senior staff sign the performance contracts a week after Governor Susan Kihika led County Executives in signing their PCs. The other two departments where staff have signed contracts include Agriculture and Finance. This move reflects Nakuru County’s commitment to transparent and efficient governance.