Nakuru County Gives Young Entrepreneurs space to showcase their skills in different fields.
Written By James M Alumera and Sharon Nkatha
County Executive Committee Member for Youth, Sports, Gender and Social Services Josephine Atieno, graced the second day of exhibitions at the Maasai Market grounds, where many exhibitors turned up in large numbers.
The exhibitors lauded the County Government of Nakuru for providing a platform that allowed them to network, gain experience, make sales and receive client referrals.
Ms. Atieno announced that the County Government of Nakuru under the stewardship of H.E. Governor Susan Kihika, has waived exhibition fees. She also mentioned that more forums like this would be organized in the future to enable entrepreneurs to showcase their talents and products across the county.
Additionally, Ms. Atieno highlighted that the Youth Service Bill and Youth Policy are in the process of being adopted by the County Assembly, with the expectation that Governor H.E. Susan Kihika will soon assent them into law.
“Mlo kitchen is a modern street food kitchen concept that believes in good, clean and fair food for all, it’s a youth-led business that has employed 5 youth employees, we currently have 2 mobile trailers in Nakuru city CBD, and our foods are healthy and tasty thus attracting youthful consumers. Our biggest support is the county government under the leadership of H.E Governor Susan Kihika for providing us with space, and favourable licensing to enable us to make economic sense in a prime location.” Stated Rosemary Gakinya the MLO KITCHEN CEO.
“My organisation is called Wanji Wigs.I make afro and braided wigs, which mostly I make on orders. It is my hobby but selling it gives me upkeep while am in school. currently am on industrial attachment so I’m trying to find new customers here in Nakuru,” stated Eunice Wanjiru Mungai.
Pastor Alex Maina who is the chief officer for youth, sports and talents said that these events are meant to empower young entrepreneurs and give them a platform to execute their spirits of hardworking thriving to achieve a better future.
Present were Josephat Kimemia (Director-Youth), Dr. Emmaculate Maina (Area Manager-DCA), Elly Ruuri (Project Coordinator-DCA), and representatives from Mlo Kitchen Menu, Oh Honey, Midiff Institute, Radio Amani, Tiankara Creations, Milan Milango Fiti Service, Kiplel’s Farm Services, Black Soldier Fly Service among others.