Nakuru County Revolutionizes Healthcare with AI-Enhanced Radiology at NCRTH
Written by Ruth Magak
Nakuru County has installed its first Artificial Intelligence (AI) system at the Nakuru County Referral and Teaching Hospital (NCRTH) Radiology department making a groundbreaking advancementin its healthcare system.
This state-of-the-art technology, integrated into the X-ray machine, is a significant step forward in the county’s fight against tuberculosis (TB) and aligns perfectly with H.E. Governor Susan Kihika’s manifesto to digitize healthcare and enhance technology for improved quality of healthcare services.
The AI system installation is part of the County’s collaborative project supported by the National TB Program, Amref, and Qure.ai, an AI solution provider known for enhancing imaging accuracy and improving health outcomes through machine-supported tools.
This project is set to transform TB diagnosis and treatment, making NCRTH a pioneer in utilizing AI for healthcare improvements in the country.
With the integration of deep learning technology, NCRTH will now provide automated interpretations of radiology exams, including X-rays, CT scans, and ultrasound scans.
This capability will enable faster diagnosis and expedited treatment, directly benefiting the patients by reducing the time spent waiting for results and starting their treatment.
The AI system expected to help in managing the workload by automating the initial screening process, allowing radiologists to focus on more complex cases. Patients will now experience shorter waiting times for their diagnosis, allowing for quicker commencement of treatment.
The system also provides a higher level of accuracy in early diagnosis, ensuring that TB cases are detected promptly and treated effectively while giving a network support to remote areas by providing diagnostic capabilities even where radiologists may not be present, ensuring that no patient is left behind.
To ensure the effective use of this innovative technology, radiologists, radiographers, and Clinical Officers from the Chest Clinic and Outpatient Departments at the NCRTH have undergone comprehensive training to gain skills needed to leverage AI for better patient outcomes.
Nakuru County is among the first of the eight facilities nationwide that were earmarked to initiate the Digital Chest X-ray (DCXR) program with AI, under the guidance of the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations.
This program is supported by USAID through the STOP TB Partnership to introduce new diagnostic tools across various regions, enhancing TB screening capabilities and facilitating early identification of presumptive TB clients.
Speaking during the installation at NCRTH, the County TB Coordinator, Dr. Judy Neimah Barasa said that the county integrating AI into the radiology department not only improves the quality of healthcare services but also sets a precedent for future technological advancements.
“If effectively utilized, this technology could pave the way for further upgrades, assisting in CT scans and detecting complex illnesses such as lung cancer and brain tumors in their early stages,” said Dr. Barasa.
This potential expansion offers hope for better health outcomes across various medical fields.
“We must appreciate the efforts of our Governor H.E. Susan Kihika for positioning Nakuru as a leader in healthcare innovation. The Government has embraced this advanced technology allowing Nakuru county to set a new standard for healthcare services for better patient outcomes,” she added.