Nakuru County to form Ward Climate Change Planning Committees
Written by Elmad Ogara
The 2-day training will cover 18 wards from Kuresoi North Sub-County (Kiptororo, Nyota, Sirikwa and Kamara Ward), Kuresoi South Sub-county ( Amalo, Keringet, Tinet and Kiptagat Ward), Rongai Sub-county (Visoi, Mosop, Solai and Soin Ward), Subukia Sub-county ( Kabazi, Waseges and Subukia Ward), and Nakuru Town East Sub-County ( Kivumbini and Nakuru Town East Ward).

Another 17 wards will be represented in a similar forum on Thursday and Friday this week and will comprise Gilgil (Gilgil, Malewa, Eburru/mbaruk, Elementaita and West Murindat Wards), Njoro( Mau Narok, Kihingo and Lare), Bahati (Kabatini, Ndondori and Bahati Wards), Nakuru Town West ( Shabaab and
London wards) and Molo Sub County ( Molo, Turi, Elburgon and Marioshoni Wards).
The programme is in partnership with Slum Dwellers International (SDI), Sustainable Energy Access Forum Kenya (SEAF-K) and the Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN) with support from the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Kenya through the Voices for Just Climate Action (VCA) and Leading the Change (LtC). It is aimed at creating a public participation forum that engages communities within Nakuru County in mainstreaming Climate Change Action.
The plenary having spelt out the composition of the Committees alongside their functions, the TOTs are expected to conduct the process WCCPCs formation in a manner that meets the threshold as documented in the Nakuru County Climate Change Act 2021.
The trainees were also engaged in an interactive session where they identified the various Climate Action issues at the ward level while disseminating the challenges faced during the WCCPCs formation processes in the recently concluded phase in other Sub-Counties giving appropriate approaches when faced with similar issues.
That ideas to form a climate change committees we as residents of kcc malewa west ward naivasha we are happy about that ideas, and personally I’m for the position of youths representative
I really appreciate the process of WCCPC formation n looking towards the service n generosity of county and country to it’s people