Nakuru Prison Wardens Crowned Champions in the Regional Inter-Station Tourney
Written by James M Alumera and Nyasimi Dawson
The County Government of Nakuru in partnership with Kenya Prison wardens witnessed the final match of the Regional Inter Station competition between Naivasha and Nakuru prison wardens that was held at the Nakuru ASK grounds. The tournament’s theme was “Mental Awareness ’’.
The game which was highly contested kicked off with Naivasha taking the lead through Ambrose Mburu. The second half saw the Nakuru wardens make an incredible comeback with Edward Kibet scoring the equalizer. A few moments later two quick goals from Brian Miano and David Lobei saw Nakuru seal the win.
Chrispinus Mandu from the Kitale team walked away with The Best Player Award while Joseph Mwangi was awarded for being the top scorer. Nyamu from Naivasha was recognized for being the best goalkeeper. The best women’s team was Nakuru while Kilgoris was feted for their high level of discipline.
Josephine Atieno, the County Executive Committee Member for sports, on behalf of the Governor, thanked the organizers for coming up with such an initiative that set to look after the welfare of the officers. She also spoke of the dedication of the county government to support such sporting activities.
Another key leader at the event was Madam Sylvia, the Officer in charge of the women’s prison, who stressed about peace being promoted among the officers daily. Leah Mukora, the Deputy Commander of prisons, appreciated all the teams for their efforts in the tournament and proposed that there should be organized sub-teams to compete in smaller competitions to bring sports closer to more officers. She also urged the officers to check their mental wellness.
Barnabas Kinyua, Regional Commander, spoke highly of the impact that sports have on the officers and the country at large. The commander also requested the county government to consider building more stadia to cater for the sporting events.
The tournament was sponsored by; Health X Africa, the Nakuru Specialist Hospital, and the African Institute of Research and Development Studies. Premier Credit, St Paul’s University, and the Olunga Foundation were also of great assistance to the running of the tournament.
With such competitions being in place, the officers can relax and be able to express themselves as well as showcase their talents in the process. The tournaments also help them have support groups that assist with mental issues that they may be going through.