Pyrethrum Farming Provides a More Sustainable Income Source for Farmers in the County
Written by Mercy Kihugu
The administration of H.E. Governor Susan Kihika is putting efforts into pyrethrum farming as an alternative source of income for farmers in the county.
To this end, the county has continually supported and appreciated the efforts of various stakeholders in promoting pyrethrum farming in the county.
Today, the Governor accompanied by the US Ambassador to Kenya Ms Margaret Whitman visited John Ngugi a model pyrethrum farmer contracted by Kentegra in Eburru Village, Eburru Mbaruk Ward.
The 60-year old who is among the 7,300 contracted farmers in the county highlighted that pyrethrum farming has provided a more sustainable source of income hence improving the livelihood of his household.
He added that he has been able to practice intensive mixed farming on his 2-acre piece of land which has enabled him to provide enough food for his family.
The county has done significantly in promoting pyrethrum farming including the provision of seedlings to increase pyrethrum acreage and solar driers to help reduce post-harvest losses, enhance faster drying and ensure clean and quality pyrethrum
Kentegra is a US-Kenyan company and is among the various stakeholders in the county promoting pyrethrum farming. The company has been able to have pyrethrum grown on 1,500 acres in the county.
The visit was part of the tour by the ambassador in the county where the Governor highlighted the different areas of collaboration between her administration and the US Government.