Youth Department leads in tree planting and clean-up exercises in Rongai
Written by James M. Alumera
Nakuru County’s Department of Youth and Sports, and the Department of Environment in collaboration with Midrift, Cereal Growers Association (CGA), and NC-MAF members, held a clean-up and tree planting exercise in Rongai Sub-county to commemorate the International Youth Week celebrations 2023.
The focus of the initiative was to raise awareness and sensitize communities about environmental protection and combating the climate crisis. 1,000 tree seedlings were planted in various institutions, including Rongai Agritech Boys School, Gorgan Primary, and Kaaga Primary Schools.
The Chief Officer for Youth and Sports, Ms. Stellah Mwaura, during the event, encouraged young people to conserve the environment. This aligns with Governor Susan Kihika’s agenda of establishing and implementing regular environmental clean-ups by residents in each Sub-county.
Environment Director Grace Karanja encouraged students and residents to care and conserve for the environment by Planting more trees.
Present were Chief Officer Public Participation Edward Gitau, Environment Officer Daisy Tonui, Visoi Ward Admin Steve Mwangi, Principal Rongai Agritech Boys Brother Paul, Visoi Ward MCA representative, Tribeless Youth representative, Rongai Sub-county Scout Association and Team Leader DCA Elly Ruuri.