County adds three more satellite stores to enhance last-mile distribution of the subsidized fertilizer program
Written by Mercy Kihugu
Governor Susan Kihika’s administration has continued to keep its promise to empower farmers by ensuring they have easy access to subsidized fertilizer by having the fertilizer near them and in good time through the last mile distribution of the subsidized fertilizer program.
To support the efforts the Department of Agriculture has added three more stores in Tinet Ward, Kabazi Ward, and Murindat Ward.
The county is currently receiving fertilizer in nine satellite stores namely Keringet Social Hall in Kuresoi South (1160 bags), Kiptororo Store in Kuresoi North(580 bags), Rongai Social Hall in Rongai Subcounty (1140 bags), Kabazi in Subukia Sub County (580 bags).
Kiambogo Farmers Cooperative Store in Gilgil Sub County (1160 bags), Karunga Farmers Associates Store in Gilgil Sub County (1160 bags), Tinet Kapkembu Social Hall in Kuresoi South (580 bags), Mauka Farmers Cooperative Society warehouse in Njoro Sub County (580 bags), Kamara Store in Kuresoi North Subcounty (580 bags)and Molo PPCK Store (580 bags) in Molo Sub County
The satellite stores have been established to supplement the existing six National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) depots in the distribution process of fertilizer to farmers during the long rains in the sub-counties.
The satellite stores will complement the six existing National Cereals and Produce Board depots in the county.
The depots include Nakuru NCPB main Depot Nakuru Town, Solai NCPB Store – Subukia Sub-county, Naivasha NCPB store Naivasha Subcounty, Subukia NCPB Store- Subukia Sub-county, Olenguruone NCPB store – Kuresoi South, Elburgon NCPB store – Molo Subcounty
The various stores have continued to receive the fertilizer where the exercise was inspected by Agriculture CECM Leonard Bor and Chief Officer Newton Mwaura joined by Public Participation and Citizen Engagement Chief Officer Edward Gitau, Visoi Ward MCA Hon Hellen Chemutai.