Nakuru County on Track in Paying Contractors and Suppliers – CoB
Written by Jeremy Ogolla
A report by the Controller of Budget (CoB) reveals that Nakuru County has settled the largest share of its pending bills. This is proof that, under the leadership of Governor Susan Kihika, Nakuru County has the welfare of suppliers and contractors at heart.
According to the report, by April last year, Governor Susan Kihika had settled 422.9 million of the 504.2 million a payment rate of 84 percent.
The move is an indication of a light at the end of the tunnel for contractors and suppliers to recover their money. The move will ensure suppliers steadfastly continue in business by cushioning them from financial ruin.
The report further indicates that out of the 47 Counties, only three Counties have attained 100 percent in settling all their verified pending bills. They are Mandera, Siaya, and Nyeri counties.
The report comes even as the Inter-governmental Budget and Economic Council (IBEC) chaired by Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua passed a resolution last year instructing all county governments to finalize verification of ineligible pending bills.
According to IBEC, entrepreneurs are susceptible to financial ruin and business collapse due to non-payment for goods supplied or services rendered.