County to foster partnerships to have inclusive and sustainable agricultural development
Written by Mercy Kihugu
The County Government of Nakuru is committed to working with the development partners in the county and continually creating a conducive environment for more stakeholders to work in the county.
National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth Project (NARIGP) is among the projects being implemented in the county aimed at increasing agricultural productivity and profitability of the targeted rural communities.
The project focuses on four value chains including Dairy, Apiculture, Irish Potatoes and local chicken value chains.
NARIGP is a National and County Government initiative funded by World Bank across 21 counties. The project areas within the county include Molo, Njoro, Bahati, Naivasha and Kuresoi North Sub Counties.
During the project briefing meeting, CECM in charge of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives Hon Leonard Bor appreciated the impact the project has had on the communities in the five Sub-counties.
He further highlighted that the administration led by H.E Susan Kihika will continue supporting the project to ensure increased agricultural productivity.
Additionally, the County will continue fostering partnerships with the private and public sectors and encourage farmers to ride on such opportunities to have inclusive and sustainable agricultural development in the county.
Also present were NARIGP County Coordinator Njoroge Githunguri, Chief Officers Kibet Kurgat and Dr Michael Cheruiyot.