Nakuru County Government Prioritizes Enhancement of Vocational Training Centers
Written by Niva Kimtai
The Nakuru County Government, under the leadership of H.E. Governor Susan Kihika, is dedicated to improving the Vocational Training Centers (VTCs) in the county to provide efficient, innovative, and excellent technical training skills to the youth.
The implementation of the Competence-Based Education Training (CBET) curriculum is being rolled out in TVETs and VTCs to ensure that learners are equipped with practical skills that meet industry needs. The training in VTCs is continuously evolving with modern tools and equipment to keep up with the changing technological world.
The County Government has partnered with NGOs such as Colleges & Institutes Canada (CICAN), International Labor Organization, and Forum CV to strengthen the capacity of trainers and trainees in response to industry demand currently the collaboration with CICAN, the two are retooling trainers from VTCs to improve the implementation of CBET.
The Recognition of Prior Learning program is another initiative by the County Government to provide opportunities for individuals with technical skills developed outside of formal education to acquire formal qualifications which aims to improve employability, lifelong learning, social inclusion, and self-esteem.
In partnership with the International Labor Organization (ILO), the County Government has implemented a program to train locals and students in Naivasha-Mirera and Maiella VTCs based on market demand in the area. This program allows trainers to acquire industry-relevant skills, which are then cascaded to the trainees. Upon completion of the course, trainees are connected with the industry for attachments and potential employment.
The curriculum in VTCs focuses on various skills such as motor vehicle mechanics, electrical installation, electronics, welding, plumbing, basic building courses, fashion and design, beauty and hairdressing, and food and beverages.
Through partnerships with industry experts, VTCs have been able to train youths to be competent and ready for the job market. For example, a trainee from Mirera VTC is currently employed by Kengen, earning significantly more than their instructor.
Education Executive Member Zipporah Ngugi said the county government is also committed to ensuring that all youth in VTCs have access to education by paying tuition fees which has increased enrollment and retention rates, transforming the lives of many young people who otherwise would have given up.
On his part, the Chief Officer for Education John Koech emphasized that TVET institutions are the way to go as they shape the skills of many youths at an affordable rate while also creating employment opportunities.