Nakuru partners with Population Services Kenya to campaign for COVID-19 Vaccine uptake
Written by Ruth Magak
COVID-19 remains a Dangerous Global Health Threat and the world must take a “vaccine-plus” approach. The County’s Department of Health under the leadership of H.E. Governor Susan Kihika has continued to foster constructive partnerships that help meet the demand for quality health service delivery, especially in disease surveillance and response.
The Department today engaged with the Vaccination Action Network-VAN, a project funded by the Rockefeller Foundation through Population Services Kenya – PSK. The project seeks to intensify demand and uptake of COVID-19 Vaccination through local mobilization and social media engagements.
The PSK team introduced the project to the county Health team elaborating on the project deliverables, strategies, and indicators. The team will roll out Social Behaviour Change Communication and COVID-19 Vaccine uptake campaigns for the next 12 months.
The County Directors of Health present emphasized the need to align the project with county priorities. The two teams will further engage in work plan co-creation and co-implementation of the project within the county.
“The project will also work with the county vaccination systems to include COVID-19 Vaccine to the routine vaccination for all,” noted Dr Margaret Njenga, the Deputy Chief Executive Officer at PS Kenya.
Nakuru has over 43% of its population fully vaccinated. The project targets to increase this by 20% every quarter for those under 18 years and increase by 10% for adults.