Nakuru to partner with African Adventure to boost charity work and Education
Nakuru County has set the pace for development, ranging from health, agriculture, tourism and other fields. Through collaboration with like-minded organizations and individuals, the County has gained a lot of development programs that have improved the lives of people.
Today, the County leadership under Ag County Secretary Dr Samuel Mwaura, Chief Officer, Resource Mobilization Pastor Alex Maina, Chief Officer trade Samuel Ndegwa, Chief Officer Education John Koech and Chief Officer Office of Governor Newton Mwaura today held a constructive discussion with the founder of African Adventure Dan Mew and his Ghana Director Siva Vordzorsbe who paid him a courtesy call in his office.
African Adventure is a brainchild of frequent visits to Kenya and other African countries by Mr Dan who has been visiting Nakuru since 2007.
The organization deals with charity and volunteer work which addresses gaps in education, health, sports and training.
The organization that works in Kenya, Zanzibar and Ghana has been instrumental in equipping schools, technical and vocational colleges, and other charity works.
In Nakuru County, the organization has been doing charity work in Kaptembwo, Rhonda, and Kapkures where they have been able to construct classes bought land for schools and other infrastructural development.
Speaking during the meeting, Mr Dan thanked the County Government of Nakuru for creating an enabling environment for charity work and being supportive of the same. He remained optimistic that the organization will continue to partner with the county in their work, promising to influence more donations and collaborations between institutions in England and those in Nakuru County.
He noted that the greatest setback to such activities was the high taxes incurred by the organization at the airport while clearing consignments donated by schools in England, asking the Ag County Secretary to look into the matter.
On his part, Dr Mwaura thanked the African Adventure organization for their giving heart, noting that the world is a better place because of such acts of random kindness.
He elaborated on Governor Susan Kihika’s dedication to the school feeding program, inviting the organization to partner with them in the same.
“The Governor has started rolling out the school feeding program which was launched last month at Sidai Primary School in Subukia, where over 200 pupils will get lunch in school to help them stay longer in class and offload some burden from their parents”, said Dr Mwaura
He noted that the County Government has invested heavily in Tertiary and Vocational Training Institutions which have been instrumental in absorbing the overflow from the universities. Through the county department of education, equipping the institutions will go a long way in assuring those joining of a comprehensive curriculum and competence.
Chief Officer in charge of Resource Mobilization Pastor Alex Maina thanked the African Adventure organization, which has been supporting the charity through him. He noted that there are areas which still need a lot of input, especially in education and health and asked the team leaders to continue with this trend.
The adoption of a sister city model was also raised, with the Nakuru City Director of Urban Planning Mr Maruhe Maina describing the benefit of the adoption to Nakuru City.
“This will mean that if a city like Southampton becomes a sister city to Nakuru city, we shall have cultural, business, education and tourism exchange with them and come up with some development projects and sponsorships. We could also look into educational tourism between the cities and how this can be enhanced using local universities within the two cities’” noted Mr Maina.
The team is in the country for one week and will tour several tourist attractions in the County. The County Secretary directed an MOU between the County Government and the African Adventure organization to guide the scope of collaboration between the two entities.