Education Department set on improving service delivery on Wananchi
The Department of Education, Youth, ICT and e- Government led by the CECM Hon. Zipporah Ngugi today had a consultative meeting with different stakeholders and development partners to discuss areas of collaboration to be integrated into the implementation of projects as the County prepares its 5-year plan, the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) (2023-2027).
The aim of the partnership is geared towards improving service delivery in the County through resource mobilization.
Through the partnership, the flagship projects in Governor Susan Kihika’s Manifesto in the Education sector are set to be of high quality which will bring change in terms of service delivery to the people of Nakuru County.
In her remarks as she officially opened the forum, the CECM highlighted the need to work towards excelling as a department and the need to improve the livelihoods of the people through sustainable development.
Among the key issues of discussion is the implementation of the school feeding program which is a flagship project of H.E. Susan Kihika.
The partners on board include; the Kenya Institute of Special Education (KISE), International Labor Organizations (ILO), Feeding Futures organisation, Build Africa Kenya (BAK), KEPSHA, Metro World Child, Moran Publishers, USAID, EIDU and KCB Foundation.
The administration through the department noted that the Education department is going to achieve a lot in the implementation of its program in this third generation of the CIDP as most of the partners are supporting the school feeding program which is in line with the Governor’s manifesto.
Partners such as ILO have been of significant impact on the County. The partners have been supporting the VTCs since 2018, conducting education tours, facilitating business skills, and training instructors and trainees on digital literacy.
Two Vocational training centres (VTC) in Nakuru, Mirera and Mbegi(VTC) in Gilgil Sub County, have been great beneficiaries of ILO.
The BAK, on the other hand, has been supporting infrastructural projects, capacity building of program officers, offering CBC training to trainers and supporting the feeding programs.
So far the organization has supported 20 schools, 8 in Molo and 12 in Gilgil Sub-counties respectively. It has established over 40 classrooms, and toilets and even provides play equipment to schools.
In the meeting, BAK committed to supporting 5 schools in the County.
The KCB Foundation is also set to partner with the County to support the youth joining VTCs, and offer startup capital at the completion of the course.
The USAID also comes in to support Youth in Vocational Centers to establish career development offices equipped with staff to provide career guidance to the trainees which relate to the market trend.
The County Assembly is an integral entity in the administration and through the Education Committee chair Hon. PM Njoroge committed to supporting the department in terms of favourable legislation, policy formulation and allocation of resources.