Finance and Planning

Department of Finance and Economic Planning


  • Mobilization of public resources.
  • Management of County public procurement & disposal.
  • Public investments management policy.
  • Public investment oversight.
  • Preparation of budget & management of the County Government Resources.
  • Economic policy analysis & management.
  • Promotion of Economic & Financial Governance.
  • Management of Public department.
  • Design & presentation of County Government financial management systems and standards.
  • Custodian of County Government Assets and property.
  • Custodian of official statistics in the County.
  • Maintenance of a comprehensive and reliable County socio-economic database.
  • Quality assurance of statistical information.
  • Collection and compilation of statistical information.
  • Analysis of statistical information.
  • Publication and dissemination of statistical information for public use.
  • Coordination, monitoring and supervision of the county statistical system.
  • County development planning.
  • Perform any other functions assigned by the Governor.

Grievance Redress Mechanism

The Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) for the Department of Finance and Economic Planning is a structured system designed to address public concerns related to financial management, economic planning, and transparency. This mechanism allows residents to submit grievances concerning budget allocations, revenue collection, procurement processes, and other financial services provided by the department. Once a grievance is submitted—through the county website, department offices, or other communication channels—it is categorized, then routed to the appropriate unit, such as budget transparency, procurement, or revenue collection, for further action.

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Date / Time
relevant information that could assist in investigating or addressing the grievance.
Terms and Agreement
I submit this form and confirm that everything on it is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that providing false information can lead to disciplinary action and/or termination.

Physical Location:
Telephone: (051) 2214142

  • County Executive – Stephen Iribe Njogu
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