Youth,  Sports,Gender, Social Services and Inclusivity

The Department of Youth, Gender, Culture, Sports and Social Services comprises of two sections: Culture, Gender, Social Services and Youth and Sports and Creation. Each of these two section is headed by a County Chief Officer.

Four directorates are housed under the auspices of these two sections, each headed by a County Director. They include Culture and Gender; Social Services; Sports then Youth. The first two directorates are under the section of Culture, Gender and Social Services, while the former two belong to Youth and Sports. The overall head of the department is the County Executive Committee Member.


The Department of Youth, Gender, Culture, Sports and Social Services is mandated to: foster socio-economic development through the promotion of socio-cultural diversity; gender mainstreaming in the county government governance process; responsible betting and gaming; management and development of sports, recreation and sports facilities; youth empowerment through capacity building as well as fostering dignified care of orphans and vulnerable children and the elderly in the county.


An all-inclusive and empowered society.


To enhance service delivery through responsive policies that ensure equal opportunity, building capacity, nurturing talent and embracing diversity.

Directorates Overview

Culture and Gender

This Directorate comprises of three units: Culture and Arts; Gender and Women Empowerment and Betting, Control Services. Functions of the Directorate are drawn from legal policy documents, Acts and the Constitution of Kenya 2010. 

Social Services

The key mandate of this Directorate is to provide social protection and advocate care and support for the needs of special interest groups; provide community empowerment and manage infrastructure and facilities. 

Sports and Recreation

The main mandate of the Sports and Recreation Directorate is to develop and nurture talents among residents of Nakuru County.


The Directorate of youth affairs came into force after the reorganization of the department. There was an executive order from the governor that necessitated this formation. The directorate is in the process of laying down its structures, it currently headed by an acting Director. The mandate of the Directorate of youth affairs is to empower the youth, youth mainstreaming in county development, coordination of youth issues and spearheading protection of youths from harmful cultural practices and exploitation

Grievance Redress Mechanism

The Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) for the Department of Youth, Sports, Talent, Gender, and Social Inclusivity provides a platform for addressing public concerns related to youth programs, sports development, talent promotion, gender equality, and social inclusion. It ensures grievances are categorized, tracked, and resolved transparently, fostering fairness and inclusivity while enhancing service delivery and public trust in departmental initiatives.

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Telephone: (051) 2214142

County Executive – Josphine Atieno Achieng

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