County ups fight against COVID-19
By Ruth Magak
The County Government of Nakuru has been conducting an intensive COVID-19 vaccination campaign across the county.
The intensified campaigns involved over 140 teams supported by the County’s Department of Health and the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention through Amref.
Following the successful 1-month Vaccination outreach program by the teams, the County held a performance review meeting to discuss the achievements of the exercise that targeted to vaccinate 89,800 people across the county within March.
County Chief Nursing Officer, Ms Virginia Njenga said that the intensive Technical and supportive supervision during the outreach period enabled the 120 teams to achieve 75% of their desired target.
All the Sub counties reached their desired target of 75% with Gilgil leading at 97%, Nakuru West at 96%, Molo at 91%, Nakuru East at 78% and Njoro at 75%.
Nakuru was initially identified as one of the high-risk counties by the multi-sectoral national COVID-19 task force due to high infection rates, location on borders and highly mobile populations.
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, The County has continued to strengthen the capacity of health workers, including Community Health Workers who are key in bridging the gap between the community and the formal health system, to respond to COVID-19.
AMREF Programs Manager, Mr Duncan Ager, appreciated the various teams and noted that the County Health Management Team has to done great efforts to ensure stakeholders implementing various programs in Nakuru achieve desired results in line with the County’s priority.