Lands, Physical Planning,Housing,and Urban Development
Land And Its Uses In Nakuru County
Spatial Planning
Nakuru County Spatial Plan 2014 – 2024
Among the top priorities of the Lands Department is the conclusion of the Nakuru County Spatial Plan 2014 – 2024. The County Government Act of 2012, article 104 – 107 is categorical that any development plans being made within the county must be aligned to the spatial plan.
Integrated Urban Structure Development Plan Through the Kenya Municipal Project
Affordable Houses
Advocacy for Alternative Building Materials
Promotion of alternative building materials among the youth is also being undertaken using Youth Vocational Training Centres. Building block-making machines have been availed in Mirera, Kagoto and Molo Youth Vocational Training Centre which are in Naivasha, Bahati and Molo respectively.
Shortlisted Candidates Nakuru City Board
Valuation Roll Inspection - Objection Form
Grievance Redress Mechanism
The Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) for the Department of Lands, Physical Planning, Housing, and Urban Development is a structured process for residents and stakeholders to raise concerns, lodge complaints, and seek redress on matters related to land management, urban planning, housing development, and other associated services. It provides a formal avenue for individuals to communicate grievances, receive timely responses, and ensure that issues are resolved fairly and transparently.
Physical Location:
Telephone: (051) 2214142
Email: kihagi.john@nakuru.go.ke
County Executive – Hon. John Kihagi