Quality and accessible education is our priority
By Niva Kimtai
Early Childhood Education is a crucial stepping stone in developing a child’s future by offering a platform to learn and interact with peers. Investing in early childhood development (ECD) has strong returns for individuals, communities and the country’s economy at large.
To address the issues of ECDE the County Government of has Nakuru continued to provide massive support to ECDE centres since the onset of devolution.
The County has invested heavily in the construction of classrooms, renovation, sanitation facilities, fencing, equipping with age-appropriate furniture, provision of learning materials and employment of ECDE teachers with an aim of providing a good quality conducive learning environment to the young learners.
With the new administration under the leadership of H.E. Governor Susan Kihika, the County is committed to continuing with the same project, completing the ongoing projects and even rolling out new ones. The regime is set to improve education standards across the county.
In a visit to the Bondeni Model Nursery School, the CECM for Education Hon. Zipporah Ngugi interacted with the young learners and highlighted plans of rolling out a feeding program across the county terming it as one of the flagship projects in H.E. the Governor’s plan on Education.
The kshs. 50 million flagship project is to make sure no ECDE child in Nakuru County misses school because of lack of food on top of accessing basic education. This will also provide room for children from low-income backgrounds to get an education hence an increase in the enrollment and retention of learners in our schools across the County.
This financial year the administration under the leadership of H.E Governor Susan Kihika has allocated a bursary fund worth 177M to benefit bright but needy students in Secondary schools, tertiary institutions and special schools across the county. There is also shs. 2.9M set aside for furniture and 6.5M for learning materials.
The administration is also set to construct 43 new ECDE classrooms, toilets, administration blocks, fencing and even renovation of classrooms across the county.
To ensure quality technical training delivery in our vocational training centres across the county, 63M has been allocated for the construction of 15 new training rooms/workshops, 6M for rehabilitation of the existing VTCs and 22M for equipping.