Water Projects in Njoro, Naivasha, and Kuresoi South Sub Counties
The County Government has invested heavily in the provision of access to clean water for residents in every part of the County.
Several projects have been commissioned this month while others are nearing completion.
In Njoro Sub-county, 1500 households will benefit from the Kshs. 12 million Piave Borehole water project that was launched last week by Governor Lee Kinyanjui.
Piave Secondary school is already connected to the water while a 3km piping network is being set up. An additional Ksh 1.2 million will be used to complete the piping works.
The County Government plans to expand the water coverage to reach Ngano Primary School and 132 plots in Piave market center.
A Kshs. 5 million water project has also been commissioned in Ndabibi Secondary School that will serve the community and institutions in the area.
The work done in the project includes drilling of a borehole, installation of a pump, construction of a pump house, tower, and placing of two-10,000 liters of plastic tanks.
The project will serve Ndabibi Secondary School that has 850 students, Ndabibi Primary School with 1,250 pupils. It will also serve 2,000 people living in the area.
To provide a long-lasting solution to water shortage, the County Government is planning to build a dam in the area and pump the water into homes.
The County Government has also invested in Kshs. 42 million in water projects in Keringet Ward, Kuresoi South since 2018.
Early this month the Tulwet Water Project was commissioned. The Kshs. 3.4 million works will ensure the supply of water to 3 schools and benefit 1,000 residents.
Additional funds have been allocated to pipe water to Keringet town.
Other water projects in the ward include drilling a borehole in Chebaraa, 2 boreholes in Keringet town, 2 boreholes in Swot and Silibwet.
We have also allocated Kshs. 4 million to supply water from Kapkores dam to the local community and Keringet town.
These projects are in line with our campaign pledge to residents. We will ensure we deliver as promised.