City Board focused on improving transport and drainage in Nakuru CBD
By Nancy Naholi
The City management has today handed over two sites that have been identified for road construction and rehabilitation of stormwater drainages to the contractors in Nakuru Town East and Nakuru Town West Sub-counties.
The roads will be constructed to bitumen standards at a cost of Kshs. 100,000,000.
While commissioning the site, Nakuru City manager Gitau Thabanja said that the management is committed to enhancing an elaborate and upgraded road network in the city that will translate to more businesses, fewer traffic snarl-ups and cleaner streets.
The 3.4 KM road/drainage which connects Stadium road to Flamingo road and Mumias road to Mbugua Mbugua road will be completed in June 2023.
The projects’ scope includes site clearance, earthworks, culverts, drainage works and laying of asphalt concrete.
“The roads once complete will serve as access to the residential areas and institutions including schools which will have a huge impact on the community and reduce perennial flooding,” remarked the Manager.
The administration under the leadership of H.E. Governor Susan Kihika is committed to investing in improving infrastructure in the city as part of the manifesto as envisioned by the Governor.
The management is also tarmacking other roads within the CBD including Chui, Kipchoge Keino, Matundu, Crater Climb, Mashindano, Chui road, Bargain road and Kakamega road.
Also joining the handing over was the projects’ consultant, City Planner Mr Thangwa among other officials.