City takes lead in preparation for road safety campaign week
Written by Nancy Naholi
H.E Governor Susan Kihika’s Administration has continued to actively shape the pattern of the City’s urban growth around transport with a focus on safer and sustainable access.
“Transformation of Nakuru calls for not only better designs but also for collaboration with relevant stakeholders from county departments, national agencies, financial institutions, and residents to shape a mobility system that maximises shared value for all,”
These were sentiments shared by City Management Manager Mr Gitau Thabanja while he attended a virtual meeting collaboratively with a team from the UN-Habitat Regional Commissions ahead of the City’s Road Safety Campaign week slated for the 17th and 18th of May 2023.
The activation exercise under the theme of sustainable public transport seeks to create awareness and advocate for safer and more inclusive mobility options while highlighting the benefits of walking, cycling, and using public transport.
Mr Thabanja welcomed the idea noting that H.E Governor Kihika’s Administration will continue to implement best practice designs that improve safety for pedestrians and other road users and cyclists in line with the County’s Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan.
On his part, the UN-Habitat team lead Yuki Takada lauded the efforts the County government has made in coming up with the 6-point Urban Agenda that captures a component of urban spaces which he noted compliments the Just City Concept and initiatives, UNHabitat is advocating Urban governance.
Some of the activities that were identified to be conducted during the exercise include interactive sessions on selected streets to test street design proposals, street art painting, particularly on crosswalks, street furniture painting, and physical demos on the use of both pedestrian walkway ways and cycling lanes.
The activities will highlight that road safety can be achieved by taking action to ensure safe roads, vehicles, and road user behaviours.