County Government of Nakuru marks World Hepatitis Day – 2021 by vaccinating healthcare workers and a free screening of patients at the Nakuru Level 5 Hospital.
The County Government of Nakuru marked World Hepatitis Day – 2021 by vaccinating healthcare workers and a free screening of patients at the Nakuru Level 5 Hospital.
World Hepatitis Day is observed each year on 28 July to raise awareness of viral hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver that causes severe liver disease and hepatocellular cancer.
It can be transmitted through sexual intercourse, sharing contaminated equipment like needles, poor health care waste management and occasionally when giving birth.
County Executive Committee Member for Health Dr Kariuki Gichuki urged health workers and the public to get tested and vaccinated as a way of prevention and early intervention.
He noted that there are more than 1,430 health workers in Nakuru who are not fully vaccinated against Hepatitis. The Vaccine is given in three doses, with the second dose at 1 month after the initial dose and the third dose is 6 months after the first dose.
Nakuru Level 5 Hospital Medical Superintendent Dr Aisha Maina led the Hospital team to educate the public and patients at the Hospital today about chronic disease. Dr Aisha urged residents to get vaccinated at the public health offices or Kenya Medical and Training Center (KMTC) at a low fee of Sh300.