County to uplift farmers through training and capacity building
The County Government has affirmed its support to the Nakuru Agricultural Training College (ATC) to uplift farmers through training and capacity building.
Governor Lee Kinyanjui acknowledged that through knowledge transfer farmers would be able to enhance their ability to increase agricultural output hence promoting food security and nutrition to the county.
The Governor was speaking during the launch of the potato and dairy cooperative unions where the cooperatives as well as 20 Community Driven Development Committees (CDCs) were awarded grants to a tune of 49 million from World Bank in order to support in the implementation of 217 micro-project proposals under the National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth Project (NARIGP).
The 217 micro-project proposals are categorized into 126 on value chains, 37 lands sustainable management, 38 vulnerable and marginalized
groups and 16 for nutrition mainstreaming.
He further said that the youth need to appreciate agriculture and that the Government will look into systems to safeguard their accommodation
into the sector. Stakeholders were urged to nurture the next generation and assure them that agriculture is a fulfilling career.
Over and above, Agriculture CECM, Dr. Immaculate Maina, said that in supporting community-driven development projects, there will be a boost of the 4 value chains (poultry, dairy, potato, and apiculture) as well as the strengthening of community institutions improving their agricultural activity and profitability of targeted rural communities.
Governor Lee concluded that the county government will continue to invest in other value chains as well as help cooperatives in merging
to form unions to be able to compete nationally and build markets.
Currently, milk and potato in the county are valued at about Ksh 9 billion with 293 million liters of milk and about Ksh 10 billion for 12 tons per acre respectively.