Growing Healthier Communities: Transforming Food Systems for Zero Hunger
Written by Ruth Magak
A transformative approach to healthcare and nutrition is blossoming in Nakuru County through the implementation of vertical gardening at Dundori Health Center and across all health facilities in the county.
Vertical gardening is a simple yet ingenious concept that is finding its place within Nakuru County hospital spaces. This innovative gardening technique involves cultivating plants in vertical structures, maximizing space and resources to produce diverse crops including nutrient-rich vegetables.
The County’s Department of Health has trained Community Health Promoters (CHPs) in the Baby Friendly Community Initiative (BFCI) program to provide a sustainable solution to enhance nutrition and promote healthy eating habits within communities.
Dundori Health Center has embarked on greening the surroundings and promoting healthier eating habits among patients, staff, and the wider community.
Patients and visitors are greeted by the refreshing sight of greenery, serving as a visual reminder of the importance of nutrition in promoting overall health and wellness.
The adoption of vertical gardening across all health facilities in Nakuru County signifies a larger effort to transform food systems and contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger.
Nakuru County is implementing this initiative as part of H.E.Governor Susan Kihika’s promise to reform community health services and prioritize the welfare of Nakuru County residents by equipping communities with the knowledge and tools needed to cultivate their nutritious produce.
The county is working towards a future where no one goes to bed hungry by decentralizing food production and promoting self-sufficiency practices among communities.
The replication of this model in health facilities countywide demonstrates the scalability and effectiveness of vertical gardening as a sustainable solution to food insecurity in Nakuru County.
The model is done from rural dispensaries to urban hospitals embracing the principles of vertical gardening as a means to not only provide fresh, locally sourced food but also to instill a sense of pride and ownership within communities.
The County Nutrition Coordinator, Wangui Kihara says that “as the vines climb higher and the harvest grows richer, the vision of a healthier, hunger-free Nakuru County comes into sharper focus, that’s the vision we have for this County,”.
Ms. Kihara said that the Department of Health has adopted collaboration, innovation, and a shared commitment to sow the seeds of a brighter future for future generations.