Nakuru County Joins the World in Celebrating the World Families Day
The County Government of Nakuru today joined the rest of the world in celebrating the United Nations Family Day themed “Demographic trends and families.” The focus was on embracing the diversity of families in Nakuru County.
The purpose of this day is to promote awareness of issues that surround families as well as to create awareness of the processes that affect families including social, demographic and economic factors.
The County Executive for Education Hon Zipporah Ngugi who joined KeLin Kenya a non-governmental organization in marking this important day highlighted the importance of families in society.
“Family is the natural, integral component and fundamental unit of the society and the necessary basis of social order,” she said.
She has thus called on everyone to embrace diversity saying that nobody chooses where to be born. Society, however, can choose to ensure that families, no matter their configuration or constitution are places where every member feels valued and cared for, loved and cherished, protected and respected.
Ms Ngugi further said that H.E Governor Susan Kihika advocates for inclusivity, and equality and is keen on ensuring that the Nakuru fraternity as a family gets an equal share of resource distribution irrespective of the region.
The CECM also urged parents with children abled differently to take them to school to get the fundamental right of Basic Education. She assured them of the admiration’s support of ensuring the vulnerable get the county bursary fund.
She called upon the residents of Nakuru to join hands in supporting the governor’s agenda in ensuring quality service delivery to Mwanainchi.
On this day, every Kenyan is called upon to stand for unity in the diversity of all communities. That is what it means to be a member of the Kenyan Nation and Nakuru in particular.
Present were MCAs Hon. Muna of Flamingo Ward and Hon. Neto Sakwa of Kivumbini.