County steps up fight against locusts invasion
A team from the Isiolo Desert Locust Control Base has been in the County to support efforts in the management of the desert locusts infestation.
The County in collaboration with the team was able to spray over 140 hectares of land in the past two weeks in areas where the heavy infestation was reported.
The infestation that was seen in Kamara in Kuresoi North, Njoro, Naivasha and Gilgil sub-counties was brought down through aerial spraying, the use of trained Spray Service Providers as well as vehicle-mounted sprayers.
This was unveiled during a debrief meeting at the office of the Agriculture County Minister, Dr Immaculate Maina.
The County Government continues to build farmers’ capacity on pest and disease control and management.
Dr Maina thanked the team for their endearing support and said the County will continue to offer support in combating the invasive pest.
She said the County has put in place measures including an active Nakuru Early Warning System and Community Pest and Disease Monitors who help in surveillance, monitoring and information sharing.
Currently, the County has put in place the Nakuru Locust Watch platform that oversees surveillance and offers quick responses on current occurrences.