Jacqueline Osoro takes over as CECM for Health Services
Written by Ruth Magak
Jacqueline Osoro has officially assumed office as the new County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for the Department of Health Services.
Ms Osoro has been holding the post in the department in an acting capacity for the last eight months after taking over from her predecessor, Dr Immaculate Maina.
In her official remarks, Osoro said she will be up to the task of ensuring the Department of Health provides quality service delivery to Nakuru residents towards achieving the vision of “A Healthy County“.
She has challenged the leadership committee and members of the County Health Management Team (CHMT) present to join hands and focus on performance in line with Governor Susan Kihika’s manifesto of ensuring that Nakuru residents have access to quality healthcare.
The CHMT members present congratulated the new CECM, Ms Jackline Osoro on her appointment as the substantive CECM for Health and wished her success in her new role. The team also promised to give her all the necessary support to ensure Health systems run efficiently.
Present to receive her were the leadership Committee comprising the outgoing Chief Officer, Dr Daniel Wainaina, County Director for Administration and Planning, and Dr Joy Mugambi, County Director for Public Health, Ms Elizabeth Kiptoo among others.