Construction At Kinamba Market Handed Over To Contractor
The construction of Kinamba market shed at Kinamba ward in Naivasha Sub County has been handed over to the contractor.
The project will entail new market shades, installation of worktops, construction of toilets, septic tanks and drainage system, electrification of the market and erection of water tanks.
According to Trade Tourism and Cooperative CECM Mr. Raymond Komen, there will also be leveling of the ground before the commencement of the construction project due to the topography of the land.
” Once complete, the market will accommodate many traders who have been exposed to scorching sun and rain while selling their produce,”Komen said
Komen added that the County Government through his department is committed to promote small businesses.
While speaking at the site, Komen called upon the contractors to prioritize youth and women drawn from the area in the upcoming employment opportunities.