Nakuru County ranked amongst counties with best filming locations
Being the County of unlimited opportunities, Nakuru has been ranked as the County with the greatest potential to offer aspiring as well as upcoming filmmakers an opportunity to explore their talents.
The county was considered as having some of the best filming locations, world class hospitality as well as diverse cultural backgrounds which serve to support the film industry in the Country.
The #KalashaMarket2019 mapped the county with respect to the department of Gender and Culture which has contributed greatly through extensive planning and execution of programs that work to boost culture and arts in the county.
Nakuru was ranked fifth in its offer for diversity in cultural activities after Mombasa, Isiolo, Kisii and Turkana in surveys conducted early this year.
The county potential towards filmmaking can also be manifested in the fact that it also saw the shooting of the film ‘Tomb Raider’.
During the closure of the International three-day event for TV and Film in the region on Thursday, the Chief Officer in charge of Gender, Culture and Social Services in Nakuru County Tumme Abduba presented the award for the winning documentary ‘Nairobi by Night’ to Timothy Mwaura in the pitching competition.
Speaking during the event, she said that the Kenya Film Commission will support creative’s in Nakuru and more so be a key partner in implementation of the gender audit which was carried out by the department. She also talked about other partnerships that the department had received from key stakeholders.
Training of film makers will happen in April where the trainees will come up with twelve productions at the end of the training. She urged creative departments from other counties to adopt the gender audit in film industry which will help improve the quality of films produced.